November 09, 2004

swimming in my own brain

There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts.
- Charles Dickens

I got really sick three days ago. I didn't go to Zerbe, because that place is useless. Instead, I've been self-medicating myself with an assortment of drugs, painkillers, herbal suppliments, vitamins and teas. I realize today that this was a mistake.

After last night's rehearsal, I was pretty much ready to crawl into a hole and die. I skipped my morning classes today (writing emails to my professors, of course) in hopes of resting up and feeling better by tomorrow. Now I need Zerbe excuses to be able to take the test I missed in Life Science. Because of the little pharmacy I've been running, I feel much better. Now I'm waiting until I feel sick again to go to Zerbe to get my dang excuse. Life is unfair.

So, to waste time I figured I'd blog. Whoopee.

Opening night is tomorrow. That's not the best news because right now the show is pretty awful. Mrs. Craig's father died on Friday, so the rehearsals have been run by the student director. He's doing a good job, but he just doesn't have the following Mrs. Craig does, especially when it comes to the music director (but that's a whole 'nother story). So we have tonight's dress rehearsal and then we start in front of people. There are two bad things in this: tonight's going to take FOREVER, and tomorrow's still going to be a huge disappointment.

Nevertheless, I encourage all of you to come see it. When I know what I'm doing, I do it pretty well, and when I don't know what I'm doing it's pretty funny. Plus there's no telling what I'll sound like by Friday and Saturday. I think it'll be a mixture of Claw from Inspector Gadget and Harvey Fiernstein. *shudder*

I lost my ID a few days ago, so I just haven't been going to meals. I'm sure being malnurished hasn't helped my predicament, but I refused to pay $25 for a replacement when I knew it was around somewhere. After calling security and MAP cafeteria repeatedly, I finally realized I left it in they gym. I'd gone in there to take pictures for my latest Collegian article. So, of course, it was in the last place I'd ever look.

We have our "Theatre and Theology" meeting today. I'm pretty excited about it, except for two things. One you already know. The other reason is that I really want to spend the summer in NYC. After doing some more writing between International Politics, the newspaper and my blog, I've found I really want to write. I won't write a novel or anything (unless it's a novel of nothing but glib and sarcasm), but in magazines or perspective articles. I talked to a friend who wrote for a travel magazine, and I think I'm going to pursue it. I'm going to need a lot of money to do it, and spending all this money on this trip is that much less money I'll have for the summer. Conundrum.

Like I mentioned earlier, I wrote my latest Collegian article the other day: "Large and in Charge." It should be coming out Friday if they haven't thrown it in the garbage. I hammered it out in about half an hour, so it's not that great. It's about the freshman fifteen. I basically made fun of people who didn't know it was due to alcohol, then I made fun of our food service, then I made fun of healthy people, then I made fun of the college. Even if it wasn't art, it was very cathartic, which has the word "art" in it, so I still feel fulfilled. Plus I used the word "corpulence." I need a glold star.

I just found a book that's way overdue. Blast. I don't think I'm getting any sicker. Hopefully the Zerbe ladies will be merciful. Signing off.

November 05, 2004

If you've got anything else to read, better it than this

I'm running way behind on all my work. I've been so involved in Once Upon a Mattress and making fun of Peroutka that I've let some of my schoolwork fall by the wayside. Sad, but true.

Good news, I finally was able to campaign and make a quick $50. Then today's payday, so I'm going to the bank to try and make up for the $550 I'm spending on Theatre and Theology in January. Now, I know that January is far away, but Theatre and Theology is on my mind because the sign-up deadline is fast approaching.
The Up Side:
Somehow Dr. Dixon was convinced to let us go see Wicked again, so I'm so happy I've lost some of my bladder control.
The Down Side:
A certain someone is going: we nicknamed him "Downstage" during West Side Story my freshman year. For those of you who don't know, you can probably figure it out. It's the only person that could possibly bring down a trip to New York. What's worse, there are only five guys going: 2 freshmen, me, and 2 seniors (one being Downstage). I just have this sinking feeling in my soul that the room situation will be Juniors and Seniors in one room, freshmen in another. This is, for lack of a better phrase, absolutely unacceptable. I might have to go to Dr. Dixon and plead for the safety of my own sanity.

The other reason I talk about events as far as January is that nothing else of interest is happening. I wholly relate to my blogger friend of the xanga persuasion. It seemed things to write about were just flying at me in blatant stupid glory during the summer, but now that I'm back at school, it seems my sources have dried up and withered away. I hate to say I almost miss Sally. Almost. I actually emailed Sally the other day. My dad wants to buy hats from her. I only hope that this hasn't reminded her that I'll be in Kentucky for Thanksgiving. On the bright side, I have moved to a different city, so I'll be less "able" to make it all the way to her office.

I'm sorry that this post exists. I did it out of obligations, and it sounds like one side of a really boring phone conversation.