June 24, 2005

Smells Like Summer

It's hot
~Trey, every day he gets up

Well, I'm home. And I find I use that term very loosely.

Intersession was pretty uneventful, as far as I can remember. I spent the second week reading Harry Potter and I got a B. However, I never want to think about anything chemistry-related ever again.

I spent the entire last night packing so that I could leave immediately after my final, sacrificing that last "goodbye" to friends in order to come home to a Welcome-Home-Trey party that my ENTIRE family was coming to. After the traditional 6.5 hour drive home (severely drawn-out due to the fact that I had a car-load of my crap instead of a road-trip buddy) I arrived on a scene of people happily playing croquet, volleyball, frisbee and soccer. I realized at that moment that all I wanted to do was... sleep. However, I changed clothes, washed my face, and put on my dazzling smile and hearty laugh until the last of them left at 11:00 that night.

Then to start off my summer right, I went to work right off the bat. Working for Sally turned out to be considerably better than I could have hoped for. I spent the last day of my internship last summer helping move into their new office, and it's great. There are separate offices, several desks, more than one computer, and the same great coworkers. Getting paid a decent wage helped tremendously, but I also found the work to be much more enjoyable. Researching on my very own computer, talking to customers and vendors, greeting people at the door, cleaning out the staff room, watering the flowers, running errands and counting merchandise. With so many things to do, it's impossible to get bored.

Then, on my second Thursday, seven days into the job, I got fired.

Apparently trying to be friendly and personable translates as disrespectful. But, as she said, she prayed about it, so no one can argue her point. So, before I even went home that day (she fired me first thing in the morning) I had another job lined up. Now I'm working for my dad again. This really works out for the best. Just before the summer, I was really torn between which job I should do. On one hand, working for Sally was a much better working environment (one in which I'm not referred to as "college boy") and I had made a commitment to them earlier, but on the other hand, dad was paying me considerably more.

So now in the most bountiful summer I've ever had. Having the little-paying internship last year left me completely dried up on my funds, but now it feels as though I'm rolling in the cash. Living at home and making this kind of income is pretty sweet. I got a credit card and an iPod. I'm pretty happy. (Actually the iPod just came in the mail today, so I'm up putting all my CDs on it) Soon I'll be getting a new cell phone. One way better than the one I have now. One that's with anyone but Nextel. One that's expensive and impressive. One that will make me feel worthwhile for at least a week or two.

As far as social events go, I'm not that active. It's weird for me to be such a recluse when I'm usually so busy at school. I've found myself avoiding friends at home and retreating to watch movies. During the day I'll call people from school just to see what they're doing with no real intention of being able to see them for a long time.

I did go to a wedding. Best friend Randi's friend (and mine), Beth, married some guy from Louisville and I was invited, and I never turn down free cake. It was also imperative that I go because I had to meet Randi's very-serious-boyfriend, Bill. Bill is 29, divorced, father of two, recovering smoker and a band director in northern Kentucky. Oddly enough, I like him.

I've hung out with my cousin, Hagan, and I've had lunch with a couple of friends from my old church. I went to dinner with Kelsey, but we pretty much caught each other up on everyone else. She does, though, have a new boyfriend. He, too, is a fifth-year-senior engineering major. He does not, however, wear a hat. She made sure to switch it up a bit.

I was called a couple weeks ago by a director offering me a part. It's the same director of "Cinderella" that I was in; if you've seen that nugget, you'll understand how excited I was. He wanted me to be the prince in Disney's Beauty and the Beast, which is just in the beginning and the end. It was very little time requirement, a chance to get on stage again, and something to do for once, but I had to decline. The performance dates overlap with... my mission trip to Brazil!

I'm going with my dad, my pastor and some other people to live on a fishing boat floating on the Amazon nearManause where we're going to build a small church, fish, and be awesome. I'm really looking forward to it. Some people have told me that's extremely religious for me. To them I say this: get thee behind me, for I am value my Christianity very highly; I just have a comically sour disposition.

On that note, I'm going to put more songs on my iPod and do some chattin'. See y'all later.