October 19, 2004

Fried Pickles

Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried.
- Mae West

Greetings, friends. I apologize for leaving everyone out of my so-called life. Yes, there have been days where I am extremely busy, and all the other times I've been recuperating. But here I am, ready once again to bear my soul for the world.

There are many experiences that all of humanity (except in one case, really fat people) should share. I experienced three for the first time since I last posted:

1. Sticking your head out of a car moving 90 mph with your mouth open
I can see why dogs do it. It's better than coffee! The effect is lost, however, when you do the same thing in the rain. It's actually quite awful (unless you're the type of person that likes catching pin cushions with your face)

2. Fried pickles
At Iron Bridge Inn, it's a special appetizer. I was apprehensive at first, but after tasting my first bite, it was a matter of seconds before the plate was empty. It's deep beer-batter fried dill spears with a spicy honey mustard dipping sauce. It's out of this world.

3. Top Thrill Dragster
The tallest, fastest ride at Cedar Point. It goes 120 mph in 2 seconds, then straight up 420 feet in the air, then comes plummeting back down. I think I travelled through time, but unfortunately not back to the beginning of the ride, making it possible to do it twice in a row...

After that, what else is there to talk about? Glad you asked. Once upon a Mattress practices continue to take up my life. The precious hours I don't spend in class are spent in Pew. Under the direction of Mrs. Craig, I'm further coming to grips with the fact that I can't act, and she's getting frustrated with the fact that she cast an imbecile. After break we only have three weeks until the show goes up. I'm almost as worried as she is.

I got to go to Cedar Point on Sunday and it was glorious. It was Kellie, JZ, his sister Stephanie her friend, Steve and Joyce, Abbie and her friend, and me. It was bitterly cold, but the lines were short. I rode the Magnum 3 times. And really I got to ride everything I wanted while taking my time, stopping to eat and go to haunted houses. The downside: I had my Shakespeare midterm the next day and I neglected to study.

I don't think I ever mentioned Bedtime Storytime. Almost every night, JZ, Charlie and I all get together and read Harry Potter. Well, actually, I'm the one who reads. I've always been good at doing voices, and I wanted to practice interpretive reading for when I have kids (or at least when I want to be cool Uncle Trey). We started with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and finished it within a few weeks. We read chapter 1 of Goblet of Fire last night. Exciting times. We might have to change it from "Bedtime Storytime" to "Coed Harry Potter Time," because several people of both genders have expressed interest, and they've heard I do a kick-@ss Dobby.

I was supposed to eat dinner with Lindsay tonight, but because of my ever-changing schedule I think we got some confusion. *sniff* I don't get to hang out with anybody anymore. Even my usual theatre friends have all found a way to avoid Pew most of the time. I've missed dinner, Ben's twice and Team America now. I miss life.

But break begins tomorrow! I was going to New York, but plans deteriorated quickly, and I'm going to go home for most of break, after spending the night at Charlie's. I'm looking forward to it. I'd like to have my own bedroom for a little bit this season. Plus there's seeing my family whom I love dearly and miss terribly. Actually I did get to see Mom and Randi last weekend. They came up to see the campus, do some outlet shopping, and I got to take them to the Waterfront. I just wish I didn't have classes that kept me from spending enough time with the two of them. Sometimes I think my parents think I don't miss them when in reality I'm just retarted. I have an excuse right now, though: I lost my cell phone. Interestingly enough, though, I didn't know it was lost until the lost and found called me... at 6:45 this morning. I could have killed them. Personally I think it's a carnal sin to call someone before 9:00, and what they did was a travesty to humanity. I'm informing them after I get my phone back tonight.

Back to the subject: since it's a pretty short break, I'm thinking I just won't call anybody and spend my time relaxing in the new house and tending to my poor mother who shattered her pinky the other day in the shower. If she still feels obligated to cook for me I'll threaten to leave. Actually on Sunday, when I was at Cedar Point, I got a call from the house alarm company; they told me the house had been broken into and that the police had been dispatched. I couldn't get ahold of either of them, and I even 411'd the church in an attempt to get in touch, but to no avail. I was stressed out for hours, calling each of their cell phones and the house every five minutes until they called me back and told me everything was ok. And I breathe a sigh of relief.

Grove City is starting a broadcast news group. We're going to be broadcasting on channel 5. I'm in a small team with Bethany. That should be a lot of fun. I just hope this isn't a huge time commitment. What else has been going on... Classes continue to get progressively worse. My schedule continues to get progressively more crowded. That's about it for me. I have to go to practice now! Surprise! Now comment to let me know you still love me.