How Many Licks Does it Take?
To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer. To suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy then is to suffer. But suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness. ~Woody Allen Growing through the course of yesterday, my throat has become increasingly irritated. When I woke up this morning I seriously considered calling in sick. Instead, I doped up on cold medicines and vitamin C. Three hours later, I’m about as loopy as Alan Cumming in his dressing room before each show. Luckily, I haven’t been ordered to drive or to operate heavy machinery. Actually the morning mostly consisted of more envelope stuffing. Now there’s nothing, so I’m back on the interweb. So the day after I met Jason Bateman, Arrested Development ended. Somehow I missed this entirely. I was even watching TV! I was just sitting there agonizing about the commentaries over the Olympic Opening Ceremonies, oblivious to the two-hour special. Fortunately, my dear dear friend, Neil, who updates all-too-frequently, let me download all four, plus the one I missed before it. So sitting alone in my apartment, sore throat, just off the phone with my mom, I finished the best show of all time. To be honest, I cried when it was done. Not because it was bad, or that I would even miss watching it that much. But it was just one more closing ceremony that marks the end of an era with the people that mean the most to me. ::sniff:: And of course, it was one hell of a show. I guess in order to remain part of the world I should say something about Valentine’s Day. It’s a totally Hallmark holiday, doing nothing but further commercialize our horribly shallow culture. It’s also my parents’ 25th anniversary. Personally, this holiday has nothing to do with me directly, and I agree that everybody who are single should just celebrate love itself. And that’s what I did. Dan and Lindsay are getting married. So are Rachel and Hans, but that’s old news. One of my best friends from highschool is planning her wedding. Beth and Neil…? The point is, everyone’s happy, love is in the air, and I’m a big enough person to appreciate it without being bitter. My friend Brittany G. called me from Chicago and asked to be my valentine. That was pretty special; we talked on the phone for a long time. I called my parents to wish them a happy 25th, but didn’t talk long just in case they wanted to discuss their sex life. I went out to a little bar downtown and met new people. Then I found the most wondrous of all cuisine phenomena: Taco Bell + KFC in one restaurant. I had a Chalupa and Popcorn Chicken. I truly discovered love, as it comes in many forms. This year, it is either deep fried or covered in nacho cheese. |
Comments on "How Many Licks Does it Take?"
i hear that neil wants the engagement ring instead of giving it to beth.
you've really never seen a taco bell and a kfc in one restaurant before? and i had to take your singles' opinion of valentine's day, as well. try living in a suite with three people who are either engaged or practically engaged.
miss you, babe. are you coming back for anything this semester?
If Rachel and Hans getting married is OLD NEWS, then fine, I'll just RIP UP YOUR INVITATION TO OUR WEDDING.
(just kidding. you better come. even if we ARE old news.)
sorry, oldER news than Dan and Lindsay. But if I'd said "older news" it woulda looked weird.
I go with people from work. There we meet people my coworkers already know, and they become my new friends. As far as bar hopping, mixing and mingling. That's not exactly my scene.
I'm a lumberjack and I'M okay...
just found your blog. love it. and you.